Denise Tanaka, Author

creator of magical worlds, seeker of strange truth

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Baycon: Pure Imagination

July 4 – 7, 2024 | Santa Clara Marriott, CA

Worldcon 2024: Glasgow

Recent Books

  • Curse in the Stones

    Curse in the Stones

    Volume 1 of the Chronicles of Xol Ash, an orphaned peasant boy, survived an unnatural plague at a copper mine with…

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  • The Voice of My Younger Self

    The Voice of My Younger Self

    A Collection of Poems These are poems from an anxious time in my life when the future was uncertain, when my…

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  • Wish and a Star

    Wish and a Star

    Constance Kirby has lost her way. Approaching middle age, and working a dead end job, she is at her wit’s end…

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  • Only Bones Remain

    Only Bones Remain

    Volume 2 of the Chronicles of Xol She lost a war… Ravel, a captain in her father’s cavalry unit, alone survived…

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